Open Call Van Gogh AiR

Open Call Van Gogh AiR
31 May, 2022 Ron Dirven

Follow in the footsteps of Van Gogh

Van Gogh AiR invites artists to come and work in Van Gogh’s birthplace Zundert for a period of time, and to let the famous painter and the village he grew up in inspire them.

There are two guest studios:

  • The Sexton’s House, next to the Van Gogh church.
    Artists stay at the Sexton’s House for a month, while working in the studio next door. After their residency, they showcase the results of their time here in the Van Gogh Gallery. Located near the Van GoghHouse, in the centre of Zundert, under high trees and near the protestant church, the spirit of Van Gogh is truly tangible.
  • Flemish Shed at estate De Moeren.
    Artists live and work in the monumental Flemish Shed, near the country house and the Trappist abbey, for two months. The shed is surrounded by nature, woods and heath, accurately described by Vincent in his letters and something that inspired him enormously as a painter. This estate is also part of the future Van Gogh National Park. The residency ends with an Open Studio weekend.

Participants to the program receive an artist’s fee and support in publishing their work. In exchange, they’re asked to donate free of obligation one of their works of art to the collection of the Vincent Van GoghHouse. The Van Gogh Gallery regularly invites artists for exhibitions and special projects.

Artists can now apply for a residency of one month at the Sexton’s House or a residency of two months at estate De Moeren in 2023 or 2024 by sending a motivation letter (1 page max.) and their portfolio to [email protected]
Deadline: 1 September 2022